Virtual Identity - Enterprise Growth Through Human Centricity

Tarek El Deeb

Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.

Working in the healthcare industry is undoubtedly difficult. Being responsible for people’s health and lives on a daily basis is no small measure. The same can be said for all the technology involved in healthcare. It needs to be flawless. That is why Virtual Identity, a German web development agency has been trusted to carry out a full website relaunch for a global client in the healthcare sector. Once it’s developed it will also be gradually rolled out to global partners - and Virtual Identity are doing it all on Storyblok.

Another reason Virtual Identity has been given this delicate task is that they believe in ‘Human centered business growth’. Human centricity plays a vital role, as on one hand they see their customers as human beings, not only as clients, yet on the other hand human centricity plays a key role in the business mechanics for growth. Only by consistently centering the needs of the users and stakeholders will their digital solutions contribute to business success and growth.

Human Centricity also plays a role internally as well - the individuality of each person is recognized and valued, while their competencies are recognized, utilized and nurtured. This is the key behind their success.

The motivation for both Virtual Identity and the client was to develop an entirely new platform to serve as a flagship for digital communication, so Storyblok was chosen as the Headless CMS for this project to avoid long development cycles in the backend until going live and to also have the ability to react quickly and flexibly to any new requirements in the long term. The “core” (platform and components) can be maintained centrally, and the front-end components are all themeable for different use cases.

"Reusability is important to the client," said Timo Mayer, Board Member and Head of Development at Virtual Identity. "The implementation of a Web Components based modular frontend system in combination with Storyblok makes this possible. The customer can focus on the aspects that are important to him and implement solutions quickly."

Technology Stack:

  • CMS: Storyblok
  • Frontend: StencilJS, GatsbyJS
  • Hosting: AWS

Currently, the project is very close to going live. The website is being built and the content migration is underway. There was one feature that Virtual Identity found particularly helpful during the content migration.

"Storyblok's Visual Editor has sped up the migration tremendously," said Anna Dufner, project manager at Virtual Identity. "The feature is an important factor for the adoption of the new CMS by the editors."